Even though our transmission repair shop is located in Mesquite, Eagle Transmission repair shop services all surrounding cities including Rowlett, Texas. Eagle Transmission repair shop provides a large variety of services.
Air Conditioning Service,
Automotive Repair,
Transmission Rebuild
Transmission Repair
CVT Transmission Repair
Clutch Repair
Differential Repair
Axle Repair
and much, much more. For more information concerning a complete list of services we provide please visit our list of services. Eagle Transmission is located in Mesquite on Galloway Ave, not far from Interstate 30. Eagle Transmission of Mesquite has been proudly serving the Rowlett, Texas area for years.
Eagle Transmission of Mesquite are experts when it comes to transmission rebuilds and repairs. Our Transmission repair shop has State of the Art Equipment and our technicians go through constant training to stay up on the current transmissions and updates. Eagle Transmission of Mesquite can rebuild CVT transmissions, Box Trucks, Foreign and Domestic transmissions including Mercedes, BMWs, Audi, Nissan and More.
If you live in the Rowlett area and need
transmission repair
or auto repair then feel free to come by today. No appointment necessary and we'll have our highly trained technicians look at your Car or Truck for FREE! Serving the following zip codes 75088, 75089, 75030
History of Rowlett, Texas
The city of Rowlett was named from Rowlett Creek which flows into Lake Ray Hubbard. Rowlett Creek is a major tributary of the east fork of the Trinity River. The creek was named for a waterway that was running through the property belonging to Daniel Rowlett. Daniel Rowlett was a large land owner due to his military service in the Texas revolution. Daniel Rowlett never lived near Rowlett Creek but settled near Bonham Texas. Mr. Rowlett is buried in “The Old Inglish Cemetery” in Bonham.